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  • Multimedia
    Jul 24, 12:40 AM
    I guess I can wait till then. But do you think they will annouce at WWDC, and then say Shipping soon or something, like they did in january?It's anybody's guess. They are due a refresh. And with Merom already shipping it's a 50-50 chance Steve will do that. I'm saying September 12 Paris is the latest. WWDC August 7 is certainly possible. I have no clue if he will or not. Anyone else here have a clue? If so, they're probably pulling it out of their butt. :D :eek: :p ;)

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  • sonictonic
    Aug 11, 02:47 PM
    Everyone waiting on the Core 2 Duo MacBook needs to get a clue.

    It's the same folks who were falling over waiting to WWDC to come so they could order their Core 2 Duo MacBooks after the keynote!

    Apple IS NOT going to move the MacBook to a Core 2 Duo until they've updated:

    1) MacBook Pro

    2) iMac

    3) Maybe even Mac Mini, since it's been out forever!

    The MacBook is barely three months old. It may get a speed bump and/or price cut soon, but won't get a new chip.

    All of you saying Apple has to upgrade it to a Core 2 Duo to complete with Dell, HP, etc - why? Why do they HAVE to? Will they explode if they don't? Will the sun stop shining? Will all the world's puppies die?

    Of course they'll upgrade it eventually. That doesn't mean it needs to be upgraded as soon as the chips are available. If you look at other PC maker's sites, most of their machines don't even have the Core Duo chips yet; there's no rush.

    You can't claim Apple will inevitable act a certain way now that they're on Intel chips; you don't know that. They have no history of using Intel chips. Just because your bright minds think it would be a good idea to move the MB line to the latest and greatest chip whenever a new one is released by Intel because "that's what the other guys are doing," it doesn't mean Apple agrees with you.

    What we DO know for a fact is Apple like to differentiate between consumer and pro lines, and Apple has never been one to put the latest chips into the iMac or Mac Mini level machines - and I don't see either of that changing.

    Well said! :)

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  • Floris
    Apr 20, 01:41 AM
    I honestly can not imagine why.

    This is the 3gs to the 3th gen iPhone?

    Man, imagine just buying one from verizon, don't you feel f* for not waiting a month.

    Useless for them to release another one this year. Enjoy the spoils of everybody buying it. And release a 'real worthy' upgrade to iPhone5 for early 2012 release.

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  • prominence
    Nov 9, 12:04 PM
    You better believe I promptly cancelled my order with Apple for $128.05 shipping Nov 25 (just have to send it right back to Apple once it arrives for full refund) and ordered from BTL for $89 with estimated ETA weeks before Apple's ship date.

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  • griz
    May 4, 02:55 PM
    How so?

    The current method is "the OS DVD you buy can be used anywhere, as often as you like, forever."

    How could it be worse than that?

    Not as often as you like. You buy one copy of Snow Leopard and it is good for one Mac. Family pack gets you 5.

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  • wacky4alanis
    Jan 7, 09:10 AM
    I tested my replacement dock this morning with no issues. I actually love this thing when it is working properly. It makes the whole "iPhone in the car" experience so much cleaner. I hop in the car, pop the iPhone into the mount, and it's ready for both music and nav. I also like how the TomTom app pauses the music during its voice instructions. Some people had complained about it being too abrupt, but it doesn't bother me at all. To be honest, I don't talk on the phone very much while driving, so I've only had one phone call using the bluetooth. That call was fine, but I don't have enough experience with it for a proper review.

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  • jcampa
    Aug 11, 04:22 PM
    Dates!! I just want to know dates!! Not until september, please Apple, release the MBP with Merom processors this month!!

    And make it available inmediatly, that same day!!

    That's all I'm asking for, no more....

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 6, 05:52 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    100,000 suckers. Samsung pulled off the same feat: Get whatever you can an then trash it.

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  • levitynyc
    Mar 29, 08:42 AM
    I dont understand the point of this. Is storage really an issue on peoples computers? I understand the mobile app, but why not just store the files locally?

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  • Pngwyn
    Apr 11, 12:22 AM
    The answer is most definitely 2.

    PEMDAS + left to right.. written the way it is.. the answer should be 2.

    The only way it would be 288 is if it was written:


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  • applefanDrew
    Mar 27, 01:05 AM
    I'm starting to wonder if a Iphone 5 is even going to come out this year i mean with the Verizon IPhone launched in February "kinda close to June - July IMO" so they might wait tell june of next year where we get AT&T and a Verizon IPhone upgrades.

    just my thoughts on it. of course Apple is a secret company so we won't know tell it happens:)

    There will be a new iPhone during calendar 2011

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  • SirHaakon
    Mar 31, 07:00 PM
    Only for a year. Fill up that 20 Gigs and a year later you can either empty it down to the free 5, or pony up.
    This thing will be sued to hell and back before the year is up, so it won't make a difference. :)

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  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 26, 10:43 PM
    iOS was last announced in April which was slightly later than the year before. I don't see it jumping from April to June for an announcement. It also won't be so heavily cloud based - it's simply wishful thinking.

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  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 01:58 PM
    what do you mean, with 64-bit software or 32-bit software?
    i assumed software optimized for 64 bit hardware.

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  • ~Shard~
    Aug 12, 12:41 AM
    But then it wouldn't be a Mac Mini, now would it?

    (My first MR post. Ever.)

    It still would mini be if you were a giant. It all depends on your perspective.

    (My 12,070th MR post. Ever.)

    :p :cool:

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  • timmillwood
    Nov 26, 06:14 PM
    and of course there will need to be a built in iSight

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  • mrw00tastic
    Mar 28, 10:21 AM
    Why would you feel a need to get a new cellphone every single year? Contracts tend to run 2 years, discouraging you from upgrading that often anyway. But regardless, all of the recent "smartphones" I've seen are built well enough so they'll easily hold up for a good 2 years of use. All of the things I'd really need to do on a mobile phone will work fine next year, just the way they work this year.

    Thank you!

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  • sineplex
    Apr 6, 05:30 PM
    Shame people are brainwashed by Apple with their crappy product, and the superior tablet is behind on sales. Im sure it will pick up soon.

    why is it a shame? because everyone isn't buying what you're buying?

    just enjoy what ever you like and be thankful that you have choices.
    please support motorolla, please support apple and everyone else.

    these really are just glorified toys for adults but people talk about them like theyr'e the holy grail.

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  • eric_n_dfw
    Aug 7, 01:52 PM
    Excellent. Now it's time to wait for the sub-$2000 "Pro" desktop announcement. There's a suspicious gap in their lineup. Mac Pro Cube (, perhaps?
    I was thinking exactly the same thing. (although the Mac Pro is VERY tempting right now.)

    Mar 30, 01:40 AM
    Only a few people here mentioned the bandwidth issues.

    Cloud storage is a great idea but will only work if we have unlimited flat rates to access it. You have to pay for storage, but then you need to pay for access either thru you 3G cap or the ever increasing ISP caps.

    ISPs are cracking down big time with people using stuff like Netflix around the clock.

    I can't see how any of this mobile stuff will get better with AT&T and t mobile going together. Feels like the aol per minute days.

    Aug 11, 09:24 AM
    Correct me if I am wrong, but it was my understanding that Yonah and Merom were being priced identically (at same clock speed) by Intel.

    Yes, but after the Merom release the prices of Yonah will be cheaper.

    Nov 22, 02:55 AM

    Phil A.
    Apr 10, 01:51 PM
    / is not clear, how far does the division extend?

    That's like saying how far does the multiplication symbol extend if used in an equation: It's a mathematical symbol synonymous with � and extends to the next number (or parenthesised statement)

    You wouldn't think that 4 x 5 + 4 meant 4 x (5 + 4), so why would you think that 48 / 2 x 12 meant 48 / (2 x 12)?

    Apr 5, 05:05 PM
    I'm sure some Scion owners think it's pretty cool, and now it will be "even cooler" since it's "banned." I am still on 3.1.2, jailbroken, and seriously doubt anything will compel me to restore and update.

    AT&T just sent me a text saying voicemails older than 30 days will be deleted, and if I want to save them, I need to update to iOS 4. Ha, no thanks. Not needed. My phone backgrounds any app I want, the battery lasts long enough, nothing crashes, all my alarms work fine despite daylight savings shifts and New Year glitches, and so on. My GF's iPhone, though... no such luck. She updated, and wishes she hadn't.

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